Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You need to read "Financial Armageddon" by Panzner

Editorial Reviews of Financial Armageddon: Protect Your Future from Economic Collapse, Revised and Updated Edition

"A Magnum Opus of the facts and figures of the astounding monetary and fiscal stupidities of the last decade; the incredible financial ignorance, intellectual sloth, and shameful gluttony of the public; and the despicable, pandemic corruptions that made it all possible." -- Richard Daughty, the Mogambo Guru

"An absorbing report on the gruesome inner workings of the Frankenstein Finance monster that is dragging the rest of our economy into a dark future." -- James Howard Kunstler, author, The Long Emergency

"The definitive work on our economic future. Read it now or dwell on the consequences later." -- Bruce Stratton,

"Timely, accessible....Readers who follow Panzner's advice will be among the few who successfully weather the storm ahead." -- John Rubino, co-author, The Coming Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It

Additional Reviews

“I may not always agree with him, but 'Armageddon' Panzner is a brilliant analyst and a great trader. He has a tremendous grasp of investment principles.”
—Larry Kudlow, Host of CNBC's Kudlow & Co.

“A disturbing book about the all-too-possible scenarios for our future which we must work hard to avoid coming to pass.”
—Thom Hartmann, progressive talk show host and a three-time Project Censored Award-winning New York Times bestselling author

“This is an informative work with much food for thought and excellent advice in preparing for the coming financial storm. It provides concrete and uncommon ideas on how to protect yourself and your investments…. For many, this will be a disturbing book. But if it is disturbing enough to awaken Americans from their current slumber, that is precisely its value.
—Michael Nystrom ,

“Michael Panzner fluently describes the build-up of financial risk on a number of fronts—from credit derivatives through to the government’s long-term fiscal problems—and imagines how a future crisis might develop. A breathtaking and coherent vision of financial disaster.”
—Edward Chancellor, author, Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation

“The end of the credit bubble, derivatives excesses, unfulfilled government promises and the upcoming retirement squeeze will provide investors with their greatest challenge since the 1930s. Financial Armageddon lays out the blueprint for what will happen and how to best prepare yourself and protect your loved ones.”
—David Tice, President and Fund Manager, Prudent Bear Funds

“A wonderful, entertaining, and easy-to-digest account of some very disturbing economic and financial trends….Panzner has done a great service to reveal the truth, which the over-paid Wall Street crowd and the government have conspired to hide from the ‘working man.’”
—Marc Faber, Managing Director, Marc Faber Limited